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2024 SWFC SKY MARATHON垂直天空马拉松 [复制链接]

{{getTotalPrice()}} /人 免费
  • {{el.title}}
上海 浦东新区 世纪大道100号
上海 浦东新区 世纪大道100号










2024113日上午 07:00-11:30

07:00-08:30   男子组体检&寄存

08:30-09:30   女子组体检&寄存

09:00-10:00   企业组体检&寄存

08:40-09:00   开幕仪式

09:00-09:30   男子组出发

10:00-10:30    女子组出发

10:30-11:00    企业组出发

10:30-11:30    按组别先后顺序颁奖
































(1) 活动前7天内曾有鼻塞、头痛、咳嗽等感冒症状,或体温高于37.3°的发热症状;

(2) 先天性心脏病和风湿性心脏病患者;

(3) 高血压和脑血管疾病患者;

(4) 心肌炎和其它心脏病患者;

(5) 冠状动脉病患者和严重心律不齐者;

(6) 血糖过高或过少的糖尿病患者;

(7) 恐高症或其它相关恐惧症患者;

(8) 新冠肺炎感染者及无症状感染者;

(9) 其他不适合运动的疾病患者。






















(2) 男女个人组选手出发间隔为15秒,每次出发4人,发令枪响后依次出发,具体出发时间和顺序听从工作人员的现场安排。

(3) 企业组选手出发间隔为15/组,每次出发1组,发令枪响后依次出发,具体出发时间和顺序听从工作人员的现场安排。

(4) 成绩排名




(1) 所有选手须独自攀爬,不允许替代他人攀爬。

(2) 所有选手应尽量靠右行进为后面的选手留出左侧超越空间,做文明有礼的人。

(3) 如有后方选手要超越前方选手,应提前发出信号提醒,前方选手不得故意阻挡。


(1) 本次活动采用芯片感应计时办法,感应计时芯片将在选手踏上台阶开始计时。

(2) 本次活动均在起终点、接力点处安装计时设备,大楼各电梯处均安排工作人员,以防选手作弊。

(3) 计时芯片将在活动装备领取现场与号码布同时发放,不收取芯片押金。

(4) 企业组如有任一选手因个人原因中途退赛 ,则全组成绩视为无效成绩。


(1) 为了保证选手安全、顺利地参与活动,活动期间行进路线各段实行限时封闭。

(2) 选手未在规定的关门时间内跑完的须立即停止,到就近的下撤点退出活动。

(3) 退出活动的选手可乘坐专用电梯返回1F大厅。

(4) 比赛关门时间为选手出发后60分钟。








(1) 离开跑道区域,如抄近道、乘坐电梯;

(2) 未经主办方的批准,进入楼梯井,以任何形式阻碍活动的正常进行;

(3) 未经主办方的批准,在活动过程中获得与活动无关人员的协助;

(4) 不佩戴号码布,或不按照要求佩戴号码布(选手必须将号码布佩戴在胸前位置),或佩戴不属于本人的号码布参加活动;

(5) 活动过程中,在未得到主办方的允许下使用电梯;

(6) 在活动的过程中使用登山杖等助力设备;

(7) 在活动中,因选手利用虚假信息获取活动资格或者报名后由他人代跑等原因所发生的一切责任后果,均由本人承担。


领取地点:上海环球金融中心1F (东泰路入口)





















Vertical Sky Marathon

Activity Regulations

I. Organizational Structure

Host Organization: Shanghai World Financial Center Co., Ltd.

Event Organizer: Shanghai Qihuan Sports Event Planning Co., Ltd.

II. Event Information

(1) Event Schedule:

November 3, 2024

07:00-08:30: Men's Group Medical Check-up & Bag Drop

08:30-09:30: Women's Group Medical Check-up & Bag Drop

09:00-10:00: Corporate Group Medical Check-up & Bag Drop

08:40-09:00: Opening Ceremony

09:00-09:30: Men's Group Start

10:00-10:30: Women's Group Start

10:30-11:00: Corporate Group Start

10:00-11:30: Award Ceremony

 Schedule subject to change based on the actual progress of the event.

(2) Event Venue:

Shanghai World Financial Center (No. 100, Century Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai)

(3) Height: 474 meters

(4) Number of Floors: 100 floors

(5) Number of Stairs: 2,726 steps

III. Event Categories

Event Categories: Individual Group, Corporate Group

(1) Individual Group

Participants compete as individuals, running up the stairs to reach the 100th-floor finish line.

Participants must be between 18 and 60 years old.

(2) Corporate Group

Teams of 5 participants compete in relay, passing a relay bracelet (with an electronic chip) to each member, reaching the 100th-floor finish line.

Relay zones are located at 18F, 42F, 66F, and 89F evacuation floors.

Each corporate team must include at least one female participant.

Teams must register in the order of relay participants, and the order cannot be changed after registration.

Teams must submit a team name (up to 10 Chinese characters, no special symbols).

Participants must be between 18 and 60 years old.

IV. Participation Guidelines

(1) Registration Period: From now until October 18, 2024, or until full capacity is reached.

(2) Registration Fees:

Individual Group: RMB 150 per person.

Corporate Group: RMB 2,000 per team.

 Registration fees are non-refundable due to personal reasons for cancellation or withdrawal.

(3) Participant Capacity:

Men's Group: 350 participants

Women's Group: 250 participants

Corporate Group: 20 teams

Total: 700 participants

(4) Registration Method: WeChat Registration

Official WeChat: Shanghai World Financial Center, WeChat ID: swfcinsights

(5) Identification Requirements:

Participants must have valid identification (ID card, passport, Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents, etc.) in accordance with age requirements. Chinese nationals must use an ID card, while Hong Kong, Macao, and foreign participants may use passports or other valid ID.

(6) Health Requirements:

Participants must be in good health and decide their participation based on their physical condition and training level. Those with the following conditions are not allowed to participate:

· Symptoms of a cold (e.g., nasal congestion, headache, cough) or a fever (temperature above 37.3°C) within 7 days before the event.

· Congenital heart disease and rheumatic heart disease.

· Hypertension and cerebrovascular diseases.

· Myocarditis and other heart diseases.

· Coronary heart disease and severe arrhythmia.

· Diabetes with excessively high or low blood sugar levels.

· Acrophobia or other related phobias.

· COVID-19-infected individuals or asymptomatic carriers.

· Individuals with other illnesses unsuitable for exercise.

 Participants must sign a waiver before the event. During the event, participants shall bear personal responsibility for any bodily harm and property damage caused by their own physical condition or other personal reasons. To ensure the safety of participants, event organizers have the right to terminate the participation of any participant who is obviously unable to continue participating in the event.

V.  Awards Settings

(1) All participants who complete the event will receive a commemorative medal.

(2) Awards will be given based on rankings, as follows:

· Corporate Group

1st place: RMB 6,000 per team (before tax)

2nd place: RMB 5,000 per team (before tax)

3rd place: RMB 4,000 per team (before tax)

· Male & Female Individual Groups

1st place: RMB 5,000 per person (before tax)

2nd place: RMB 3,500 per person (before tax)

3rd place: RMB 2,000 per person (before tax)

 In case of a tie, the tied competitors will be ranked jointly, and subsequent rankings will be pushed down accordingly. For example, if two competitors tie for first place, the next competitor in time will be ranked third.

(3) Record-Breaking Award: Limited to the first-place winners of the Male and Female Individual Groups, each receiving RMB 5,000 (before tax).

 If there is a tie for first place, both competitors will jointly receive the Record-Breaking Award.

(4) Prizes will not be awarded on-site. The event organizer will transfer the prize money to the reserved account of the winners within one month after the event. All prize money (RMB) will be subject to a 20% withholding tax according to national tax regulations, which will be withheld, deducted, and paid by the event organizer.

VI. Event Methods

(1) Timing: The event adopts individual timing using an internationally advanced timing chip system.

(2) Registration Check: All participants must undergo a physical examination within the specified time and area. Participants who fail the initial examination will enter a waiting area for a re-examination. Those who fail the re-examination three times will be disqualified from participating.

(3) Starting Order:

· Male Individual Group, Female Individual Group, Corporate Group.

· The starting interval for male and female individual groups is 15 seconds, with 4 participants starting at a time. The specific starting time and order will be arranged by staff on-site.

· The starting interval for corporate groups is 15 seconds per team, with 1 team starting at a time. The specific starting time and order will be arranged by staff on-site.

· Ranking:

1. Individual groups are ranked based on net time, with shorter times ranking higher.

2. Corporate groups are ranked based on the team's net time, with shorter times ranking higher.

(4) Principles of Progression:

· All participants must climb independently and are not allowed to be substituted.

· Participants should keep to the right to leave space for overtaking on the left.

· When overtaking, the overtaking participant should signal in advance, and the participant being overtaken should not intentionally block.

(5) Timing Method:

· The event uses chip-sensing timing, starting when the participant steps onto the staircase.

· Timing devices are installed at the start/finish lines and relay points. Staff are stationed at all elevators to prevent cheating.

· Timing chips and bib numbers are distributed simultaneously at the equipment collection site without a deposit.

· If any corporate group member withdraws due to personal reasons, the entire team's result will be deemed invalid.

(6) Cut-off Time:

· To ensure participant safety, timed closures will be enforced along the route.

· Participants who do not complete within the cut-off time must immediately stop and withdraw from the event at the nearest withdrawal point.

· Withdrawn participants may take a dedicated elevator back to the 1F lobby.

· The cut-off time for the race is 60 minutes after each group's starting time.

(7) Water Stations: Located at floors 18, 42, 66, 89, and 100.

(8) Withdrawal Points: Located at floors 18, 42, 66, 89, and 100. Participants who wish to withdraw should follow staff instructions to the nearest withdrawal point and return to the 1F main venue.

(9) Item Management: Participants must store personal items at designated locations. Valuables should not be stored in bags (e.g., mobile phones, valid IDs, cash, jewelry, keys). Participants must collect their belongings within one hour after the event ends on the same day.

(10) Participants who violate any of the following rules will be disqualified from the event:

· Leaving the designated racecourse area, such as taking shortcuts or using elevators;

·  Entering stairwells without the approval of the organizer, obstructing the normal progress of the event in any form;

· Receiving assistance from personnel unrelated to the event during the event without the approval of the organizer;

· Not wearing a race number bib, or not wearing it as required (participants must wear the bib on their chest), or participating in the event with a bib that does not belong to them;

· Using elevators during the event without the permission of the organizer;

· Using assistive devices such as hiking poles during the event;

· Any consequences arising from a participant obtaining event eligibility through false information or having someone else run on their behalf after registration shall be borne by the participant themselves.

VII. Equipment Collection

(1) Collection Location: 1F, Shanghai World Financial Center (Dongtai Road Entrance)

(2) Collection Time: 13:00-20:00, November 2, 2024

(3) Equipment List (Individual Category): Eco-friendly race bag, eco-friendly race jersey, eco-friendly towel, timing chip, race number bib

(4) Equipment List (Corporate Category): Eco-friendly race bag, eco-friendly race jersey, eco-friendly towel, timing chip, race number bib, team flag, souvenir

VIII. Medical Assistance

(1) Fixed medical stations are set up on the 18th, 42nd, 66th, 89th, and 100th floors. Participants can seek immediate treatment in case of physical discomfort or other emergencies.

(2) One medical ambulance will be stationed at the site to promptly handle emergency medical situations;

(3) Volunteers will be stationed along the floors to assist with medical aid and maintain event order. Participants can request help from volunteers and medical personnel.

IX. Safety Assurance

(1) The event organizer will purchase personal accident insurance for each participant and on-site staff. Participants must sign a waiver before participating in the event.

(2) Security personnel will be arranged at the starting and finishing points to ensure the safe and orderly conduct of the event.

(3) Medical stations will be set up during the event, and a mobile medical team will be established to handle any emergencies that arise during the event.

(4) Drinking stations will be set up along the racecourse. To avoid accidents caused by slippery stairs, participants are not allowed to carry drinks and food. Drinking stations (providing drinking water) will be set up at refuge floors and the finish line.

X. Contact Information of the Organizer

Contact Person: Mr. Mao / 13761235922

XI. Other Items

(1) The event organizing unit has the right to use images, videos, and other materials of participants in various promotional and marketing activities without compensation.

(2) All individuals and corporations that register to participate in the event are deemed to have accepted the regulations, rules, and safety precautions of this event.

(3) Any matters not covered here will be notified separately by the event organizer.

XII. The interpretation right of these regulations within the scope permitted by law belongs to the event organizing unit.


      截至{{el.fixedDate|date('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm')}}
      立即领取 已领取
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      ¥80起 一、组织机构主办单位:凯德集团(中国)承办单位:重庆来福士运营单位:上海奇欢体育二、比赛时间和地点比赛时间:2024年11月8 日上午8点比赛地点:重庆来福士山城花园三、比赛详情大楼高度:250米比赛层数:42层阶梯级数:1263级四、比赛组别比赛组别分为:男女个人组、团体组。(一)男女个人组男女个人组是以个人为单位参赛,到达42层终点的比赛。参赛选手年龄在18岁至55岁之间(2006年1月1日至1969年1月1日
      重庆 渝中


